Dear Readers, I recently went to an exciting event called the Cosmos Blenz Gathering. It was during this event that I got better appreciation of Indonesian brand and product. Cosmos is a national brand, national product manufacturer of small household appliances. To my most recent surprising discovery, they have been around for 40 years!

On this event they did an introduction on their innovative blenders that look good, very easy and practical to use, and also has an amazing function that I thought really simplifies cooking. They are the Cosmos Blenz CB 801 and Cosmos Blenz CB 802.

Let me give you some insights into the features of these Smart Blenders. Cosmos Blenz CB 801 is great at making fruit juices and to grind seasonings, it features a large capacity blending mug of 1.5 liter, 2-in-1 dry and wet mill (for grinding). While Cosmos Blenz CB 802 is a series of multipurpose blender, featuring a 1.2L blending mug, dry mill to grind dry seasonings, wet mill to grind wet seasonings and also a meat chopper.

Ayu Hastari was one of the main speakers of this event, she shared her experiences in preparing food for her family on the daily basis, especially for her fourteen-year-old kid. She shared the stress and hazzle of preparing everything on her own. She depends on the Cosmos Blenz CB 801 to simplify her time in the kitchen.

We also got try out the Cosmos Blenz CB 802 through a cooking demo with Chef Livianca Vanessa. The meat chopped using the blender was very tender, speeding up the overall cooking process, it was very exciting, yet the best was yet to come. Right after that, it was announced that each of us got to bring home a Cosmos Blenz CB 801 to fully experience the product and all its amazing functionalities.

Now that I have used the blender several times, let me do a little testimony and highlight to give this amazing product some justice. The best function is definitely the BLENZ technology, where the blender stops on its own, so it was a start and stop with one touch, super convenient. The blender also comes with a smart cleaning function where it cleans itself in a push of a button. And the fact that the mug is made of food-grade plastic makes it really hygienic and user friendly, light to carry and is shatter proof. It also features a safety lock to prevent the blender from turning on when it is not properly set up.

Overall it is an amazing product that I will continue to use and recommend, and I am proud to see that Indonesia is capable of making such a wonderful product.

Making my own product is not so hard anymore

It’s been quite a while ago that I have the idea to make my own health and beauty product. So, the first thing I did was to do many exhaustive researches and analyse how the business processes work. I arrived at the conclusion that health and beauty products are very difficult to develop and needs specific certifications to make them marketable to the public, to add on to that keeping a good quality control can also be an issue.

Dalam rangka mewujudkan impian, challenge pertama yang harus aku tempuh adalah formulasi kimia dan pembuatan prototype dari produk impian kita. Kedua adalah pengujian khasiat, manfaat dan kestabilan produk tersebut. Unfortunately, for these first two points, most of us only know high school chemistry and it is clearly not good enough.

Berikutnya, ketiga adalah mendapatkan ijin Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM). Dalam hal perijinan, mengingatkan bahwa Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang paling sulit mendapatkan ijin berusaha, bayangkan betapa akan lebih sulitnya pemperoleh ijin untuk menproduksi dan mendistribusikan produk kesehatan dan kecantikan. Peraturan yang tumpeng tindih dan alur perijinan yang tidak jelas juga menjadi ladang bagi orang-orang yang mencari kesempatan untuk mencari keuntungan bagi diri sendiri, mengakibatkan lamanya waktu dan mahalnya proses perijinan.

Next step would be to strategize on how to market my product, tanpa pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang mumpuni, ini akan menjadi sebuah tantangan yang tersendiri. Dan jika semua ini terwujud dan ditunjang dengan adanya ke suksesan dalam pemasaran produk, ini adalah saatnya kita memikirkan bagaimana memproduksi produk kita secara masal, dalam ini mencari atau membuat pabrik produksi yang handal dan bisa menjaga kualitas produksi yang baik akan menjadi tantangan baru. Tanpa pengalaman dan partner bisnis yang handal aku yakin kesempatan ku untuk sukses mewujudkan impian ini adalah kurang dari 5%.

Belum lama aku menemukan Indocare B2B Services. Mereka adalah ahli dalam bidang produsen peralatan asli (OEM) dan produsen desain asli (ODM), dalam bidang Personal Care dan Health Supplement.

Mereka adalah perusahaan yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1980-an, dan sudah berhasil memproduksi banyak produk-produk yang sukses di pasar domestik.

Ini adalah contoh-contoh hasil produk-produk yg i suppose sudah banyak sekali yg mengenal produk-produk diatas ini..

Sebagai penyedia jasa produksi sesuai kontrak, Indocare B2B Services, dapat membantu kita dalam proses sejak konsep produk, formulasi, kemasan, produksi dan quality control, bahkan untuk tes produk dan juga segala sertifikasi dan perijinan yang diperlukan untuk memasarkan produk kita ke pasaran.

Mewujudkan mimpi kita sebagai wirausahawan dengan menggabungkan ide, pemikiran dan konsep kita dengan keahlian, pengetahuan dan pengalaman mereka selama 30 tahun.

Sekarang apa yang kita butuhkan hanya sebuah idea, Indocare B2B Services akan membuatnya menjadi bisnis impian kita.

Healthy Habits for Breastfeeding Mom Ft. Bio Oil

Healthy Habits for Breastfeeding Mom

Ada yang tau ini Mitos atau Fakta:

• Besar payudara menentukan jumlah ASI?


• Menyusui dapat menurunkan BB Ibu.


Ibu tidak dapat menyusui jika memiliki puting yang terbenam.


• Susu formula membahayakan kesehatan bayi.

Mitos. Ini tergantung kebutuhan Bayi dan Ibu

• Menyusui dapat mengurangi risiko kanker pada ibu.


• Jika ibu makan sambel maka ASI akan pedas.


Ternyata masih banyak mitos – mitos tentang menyusui yang selama ini kita salah paham ya? Aku banyak belajar tentang fakta dan tips menyusui ini di event Mom Blogger Gathering yang diselenggarakan oleh C Channel dan Bio Oil di Buba & Bump, Jakarta Selatan pada tanggal 11 Agustus kemarin dalam rangka memperingati Breastfeeding Week dengan tema acaranya “Healthy Habits for Breastfeeding Mom”.

Dalam kesempatan itu, aku ketemu dengan mommies yang berjuang meng-ASI-hi, selain itu dalam sesi talkshownya juga aku dapet banyak sekali info dari seorang Pediactrician Dr. Dimple Nagrani, Sp.A, Mba Sinthya Dewi sebagai Product Trainer dari PT Radiant Sentral Nutrindo dan Putricaya atau lebih sering dikenal dengan Puch, seorang Mom Influencer.

Beberapa informasi penting yang aku dapetin akan aku sharing disini.

Perbandingan antara susu formula dan ASI. Serta fungsinya

Manfaat menyusui untuk Bayi dan Ibu

Banyak dari kita yang belum familiar dengan Pijat Payudara, ternyata banyak manfaatnya dalam proses menyusui. Pijat payudara dapat dimulai sejak 2 jam pasca kelahiran. Sebaiknya dilakukan saat sebelum menyusui dan sebelum memompa. Manfaatnya selain dapat meningkatkan oksitosin juga terbukti dapat meningkatkan kadar lemak ASIP.

Back to the topic about Health Lifestyle, sebagai seorang ibu kita perlu menjalankan beragam ‘kebiasaan-kebiasan’ baik seperti menghargai diri sendiri, berpikiran positif, melakukan olahraga, makan dengan pola sehat dan seimbang, hingga mengaplikasikan produk perawatan spesialis kulit secara rutin. Setiap wanita perlu memperhatikan kesehatan tubuh dan kulitnya agar mereka dapat membantu memperhatikan kesehatan kulit dan menularkan kebiasan tersebut kepada keluarganya.

Healthy Habits untuk mencegah dan mengatasi permasalahan kulit

Produk spesialis perawatan kulit dengan kandungan yang baik itu terkadang dalam Bio Oil, si minyak ajaib ini karena manfaatnya sangat beragam kita bisa gunakan from head to toe.

Bio Oil ini juga mengandung Purcellin Oil yang mengurangi kekentalan formula dan mudah menyerap ke dalam kulit.

〰 Membantu menyamarkan bekas luka baru atau lama

〰 Membantu mengurangi stretch marks selama kehamilan

〰 Membantu menyamarkan warna kulit yang tidak merata

〰 Menghaluskan dan meratakan kulit yang mengalami penuaan dan kerutan

Aplikasi dan Perhatian:

➿ Oleskan dua kali sehari selama minimum 3 bulan. Selama kehamilan oleskan mulai dari awal trisemester kedua. Hasil untuk setiap individu bervariasi.

➿ Cocok untuk kulit sensitif dan non-comedogenic.

➿ Jangan digunakan pada kulit yang luka. Jika terjadi iritasi pada kulit, hentikan pemakaian.

➿ Hindari kontak dengan mata. Apabila produk mengenai mata, bilas dengan air.

➿ Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak – anak.

➿ Simpan di tempat yang jauh dari paparan sinar matahari.

Bio Oil ini cocok untuk dugunakan dalam berbagai perawatan kulitmu, buat yang suka melakukan perawatan dirumah bisa dicoba tips berikut ini agar perawatanmu lebih maksimal.

Semoga sharing aku kali ini bs bermanfaat untuk kalian❤️

Thank you for reading, see you in my next post.


Congratulation @wonderphotoshopid for the opening of your store in central park mall 1st floor 🤩

Wonder PhotoShop offers ultimate printing experience for smartphones generations like me where you can enchance your creativity with lovers or friends ❤️

Its been a long time since i’ve seen a place where i can print my photos. Usually, it will take forever and it’ll be annoyingly boring, but today i found WONDERPHOTOSHOP just opened at Central Park Mall Jakarta.

So it is just a place to print your pictures? no. It is more than that, in WONDERPHOTOSHOP central park mall, you can print your pictures and edit it, you can also decorate it ,

you can buy your new cameras, lenses, anything you need for camera needs.

And here are my favorite parts! Polaroid, some of you may think that polaroid is forgotten, but no! I like classic stuffs and i like to keep my memories real 🙈

they have so so so many type of cuties polaroid, banyak banget, hellokitty, classics one and minions!! This is my favorite piece!

I had soooo much fun there, it took me only like 5 minutes to get my photos done, anddd you dont need to bring any usb whatsoever because you can do it simply using wifi, jadi bener-bener cepet banget aku bahagia sekaliii langsung bisa cetak foto cepet kayak gini

How to do it? All you need to do is download FUJIFILM WPS PHOTO TRANSFER ,

and you can connect your mobile phone to the machine, click click and you’re done!

And tadaaaa it is doneeee

As easy as that!

And we had workshop to put all pictures in to one frame, omg it was so much fun, i didn’t win but it doesn’t matter, i love doing it 😍

let just say aku ga dianugrahi that ability to craft, jadi emang aku asal-asalan banget 🙈 but i love it, brought it home and jadiin pajangan 😄

Thankyou for inviting me @WonderPhotoShopID and @Uttaracomm i had so much fun🙈❤️

Story Sharing with Mommies

Today was fun! Kita kumpul-kumpul sama ibu-ibu buat cerita-cerita soal motherhood! For me, being a mother is hard, not that i hate to be one, tapi yg aku paling ga bisa itu adalah feeling anxiety nya. Kalo misalnya pergi sebentar aja pasti khawatir banget, dia diapa2in nanny ga ya? Minumannya banyak ga ya? Sakit ga ya? And soooooo much more.

Banyak banget things that i do wrong yang i dont even know what am i doing? Dan aku bener2 have no clue what to do. Kayak blind banget apalagi aku anak pertama dan soal raising kid aku bener2 ga tau what to do

Nah makanya waktu diajakin untuk kumpul acara ini diajak sama aku sih langsung YESSS!! Soalnya aku anxious banget soal MPASI since gwyneth is 6 months old already. Aku bener2 takut dia allergic or something makanya aku pengen tau mommies2 lain nya kasih MPASI apa dan certain behaviour yg bisa dicontoh sama anak.

Terusss aku kan juga boleh bawa 2 pemenang giveaway, nah kmrn aku pilih mommy @inggridchan and mommy @shellahalimm seneng banget get to meet them in person so cute seru and super fun!?

waktu mommies gathering ini sebenernya kita ga gimana-gimana ya, cuma simply ngbrol-ngbrol sharing-sharing sama ibu-ibu yg mungkin anaknya udah so much bigger than mine and tell me stories i don’t know before. Tapi aku belajar banget sama mommy @lorenlilmoi , she is one strong mommy, ga pake suster and still manage to control her life well, dan Sheldon (her little baby boy) itu NURUT BANGET, dan i learned alot from her, knowing how important to teach our kid how to keep promises ❤️

Jadi kebetulan acaranya di @penangbistro_id kali ini di central park mall, and fyi @penangbistro_id baru aja renovasi dan tempatnya jadi super cozy banget ya. Jadi super gede bangett dan bagus bangettt ini cocok banget sih tempatnya buat yg namanya gatherings or birthday or meetings.

Private room nya juga super gede aku yakin banget bisa muat so many people kalo ada birthday event gitu

Dan kita ada workshop juga sama @dokidokicraft jadi ini clay yang bisa dibentuk jadi banyak macem-macem dan semuanya super cuteeeeee 😍😍 i made white bunny. Tho hasilnya masih alakadarnya, tapi it was so much fun!! Dan yg paling penting effort buat bikinnya, wakakaka aku paling lama sendiri buat bikin clay ini 🙈 bu ibu lain udh finished, aku doang yang masih ga selesai but it was really fun!

Ohh yaa ada goodies juga dari @happydiapers omg ini menurut aku pampers yang super LUCU BANGET YA I COULD DIE! Setiap diapers nya ada motif ini super cute gemessss banget. I can’t 😭😭😭 this is like the first diaper who provide more than comfort but also fun to wear 🙈

Dan @happydiapers juga ada promo lho coba ibu-ibu check this out, this is so fun!!

Omoooo motifnya gemes banget, kalian cukup masuk ke web nya @happydiapers aja kalian bisa dapet free samples nya 🙈🙈

Also, as usual selalu ada yg lucu dari ini bib nya lucu banget dan materialnya super soft it wont hurt my baby’s neck 🙈❤️

Dan thankyou bgt udah invite kita semua, i had so much fun today! Thankyou juga buat little gift nya omo so cuteeeee

Overall, aku happy banget bisa kenalan sama semua ibu-ibu, especially ibu-ibu yg menang giveaway aku karena kita semeja kan, jadi we get to talk alot more than with others, jadi lebih banyak sharing-sharingnya , aku seneng banget get to know them, gathering kayak gini, sekalian curhat betapa susahnya jadi mommy, dan segala macem kegalauan ku, including tentang susterku lebaran ini mau pulang nikah dan ga balik lagi 😭 aku adore banget those mommies yg bisa jaga baby sendiri. I’m just not one of them 😭

Parenting is hard, and i’m more than happy to attend this program and meet these wonderful mommies. Instead of being a judgemental mommies, i believe sharing to each others can make us a better mom.

Thankyou so much @penangbistro_id @happydiapers @booboo.idn and @dokidokicraft


kemarin aku baru aja dateng ke event 17 years of quality nya CORDLIFE INDONESIA..

Before i get to talk about CORDLIFE INDONESIA, can i ask you the simplest thing first?

do you know what’s baby’s umbilical cord does? waktu ditanya ini, i was stunned, i didn’t know what to answer, bahkan aku sendiri dulu mikir kita orang dewasa punya pusar itu untuk apa? then ternyata tali pusar fungsinya sebagai saluran yang menghubungkan plasenta dan bagian tubuh janin. Dengan demikian janin mendapatkan asupan makanan, oksigen, serta antibody yang sebelumnya diterima oleh plasenta melalui vena umbilikalis.


ok ya secara garis besar ini aku mengerti, tapi setelah dilahirkan, kegunaan tali pusar itu apa? kan babynya udah ga didalam kandungan kita lagi, jadi harusnya udah ga berguna dong?

for certain traditions, kayak aku chinese, dan to be honest aku nyesel banget i know about this setelah melahirkan 6 bulan. i didn’t know it before, jadinya tali pusar anakku, dikubur. yes dikubur, kalo di tradisi kami harus dikubur karena tali pusar itu dilambangkan sebagai saudara dari si baby (thats what i’ve been told) jadi kalo misalnya dikubur itu supaya saudara babyku itu aman dan bahagia. not trying to defend myself, tapi ini anak pertama aku, i barely know anything. aku bukan kayak supermoms diluar sana yang suka banget reseach2 dan tau segala hal, i barely know nothing. aku cuma takut anakku jatoh jadi aku berhati-hati banget soal mandiin, nyusuin, dan bahkan kalo baby nangis aja aku udh freak out banget. jadi aku bener-bener payah deh when it comes to motherhood 😥


nah karena that lousy i am, i have no idea kalo ternyata banyak banget teknologi kedokteran yang udah bertahun-tahun lalu berkembang bahwa baby’s umbilicard cord bisa disimpan ini disebutnya stem cell ya, dan dipergunakan untuk masa depan anak kita, dan ga cuma anak kita, bahkan adik, kaka, orang tua, bahkan anak dari anak kita pun bisa menggunakan stemcell yang udah disimpan itu untuk mengobati penyakit yang mungkin (amit-amit) menimpanya kedepan nya nanti, atau bahkan bisa membantu adik atau sodaranya atau bahkan orang tuanya yang mungkin sakit dan membutuhkan stemcell.

Jadi intinya CORDLIFE ini apa ya?

Cordlife Grup Limited (“Cordlife”, bersama dengan anak perusahaan, (“Grup”), yang terdaftar dalam Bursa Saham Singapura (“SGX”), memberikan pelayanan penyimpanan darah tali pusat dan membran tali pusat. Sebagai bank darah tali pusat pertama yang didirikan di Singapura pada bulan Mei 2001 dan termasuk salah satu yang pertama di Asia, Cordlife Grup Limited memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 17 tahun dalam penyimpanan darah tali pusat dan memiliki rekam jejak transplantasi darah tali pusat yang telah dipublikasikan.

Cordlife Group saat ini memiliki dan mengoperasikan fasilitas pemrosesan dan penyimpanan kriopreservasi di Asia, yaitu di Singapura, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia dan Filipina. Fasilitas pemrosesan dan penyimpanan di Singapura, Hong Kong dan India terakreditasi AABB dan di akhir 2015, fasilitas Singapura mendapatkan akreditasi dari FACT-Netcord, menempatkan Cordlife Group sebagai salah satu dari enam bank darah tali pusat swasta internasional yang memiliki akreditasi dari dua standar kelas dunia.

nah terus apa hubungannya cordlife indonesia sama stemcell? nah, cordlife indonesia adalah Bank tali pusar pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia, yang pasti pengalamannya udah ga tertandingin ya, apalagi udah berkecimpung 17th. ya ga mungkin kan ya, kita simpen tali pusar anak kita ditempat yang unkown atau kurang jelas gitu.. sayang sekalii…


CORDLIFE INDONESIA ini dapat menyimpan sel punca tali / stemcell pusat dalam Cyrotank yang menggunakan nitrogen cair dengan suhu stabil minus 196 derajat Celcius. Penyimpanan sel punca darah tali pusat sendiri dalam kondisi yang baik dan suhu terjaga dapat bertahan hingga 23 tahun bahkan lebih. Jadi, bilamana ada suatu hal yang terjadi kelak untuk anak kita, saudaranya dan bahkan pada diri kita sendiri, kita bisa menggunakan stemcell yg sudah disimpan di CORDLIFE INDONESIA ini, sampai ke 23th kedepan ya..

Stories about all things that i love, but mostly about makeup

ini bukan nyumpahin ato gimana ya, tapi aku menganggap ini sebagai precaution aja yang dilakukan orang tua untuk anaknya, karena to be honest, we might love our kids, but we never know what will happen, apalagi kalo sudah dewasa, makanan yg dikonsumsi bukan lagi yang kita siapkan, dan lingkungan dan pergaulan, dan banyak hal lain yang dapat terjadi.

waktu kemaren aku ikut seminar cordlife indonesia, aku banyak denger dari expertise tentang CORDLIFE INDONESIA ini dan kegunaannya.

Begitu bayi lahir, tali pusat dipotong, lalu kita kumpulkan darah segar dari situ. Darah itulah yang mengandung sel-sel yang nantinya akan dibutuhkan manusia di masa yang akan datang. Dia bisa disuntikkan kepada ibu, saat ibu sakit di kemudian hari atau anaknya, saudara kandung bahkan ayah, isa membentuk sel baru yang sudah rusak,” ungkap dr. Boy

Hal serupa pun disampaikan dr. Meriana Virtin, Medical Advisor Cordlife sebagai Bank Penyimpanan Darah dan Membran Tali Pusat Bayi pertama di Indonesia mengatakan, penyimpanan sel punca pada darah tali pusat telah berhasil membantu terapi pengobatan berbagai penyakit seperti Leukemia, Anemia Aplastik, Neuroblastoma dan lain-lain.

but then harganya berapa mom pasti mahal banget ya?

menurutku engga ya, karena in bukan hal sepele, ini menyimpan stem cell for years lho, everyday for 23 years, menggunakan nitrogen cair dengan suhu stabil -196 (minus 196) derajat Celcius. pasti perlu banget alat kedokteran yg super expert and they really took care of it everyday to make sure stem cell yang tetep sempurna for the next 23 years. aku merasa ini termasuk terjangkau banget, harga penyimpanan pertahun nya hanya Rp. 1.650.000,- jadi basically less than 150k a month. sedangkan kalo amit-amit anak kita sakit, we definitely will spend more than that. jadi aku sih menganggap ini sebagai tabungan kesehatan anakku untuk kedepannya aja ya, aku nyesel banget tau ini terlambat, should’ve known this earlier supaya ini bisa untuk tabungan kesehatan dia sendiri,i will definitely doing it for my second kid.

dan buat info lebih lengkapnya lagi mungkin mommy-mommy bisa cek link ini

#cordlife #cordlifeindonesia #cordlife17yerasofquality

Thanks for reading ❤️


AYay! I’m writing again, it’s been forever since the last time i wrote something up, since i stay at home alot these days, i think i can managed to review several things here,

So, me and my friends are invited by @nocturnalpik to try some of their new menus, and i thought why not? We can hang out for awhile anyway right?

So, the first thing i can comment is, I LOVE THE LIGHTING THERE, so much sun lighting, it gives me great effect for my pictures and even for my selfies.

Check this out,

I dont need to use any filter, i can get this pretty picture for my selfie.

Btw, this pretty dress is from @bittersweetcloset

Okay, back to the new menus, i was thrilled to try them, first thing they served us is these beautiful appetizer,

Then, we moved to the main course, first one is beef steak sandwich. Fyi, i’m not a fan of beef, but to be honest, i love this beef steak sandwich, you just have to try how tender the beef is, how soft the meat is, and how great the taste is.

Ah, i can’t explain to you guys how delicious this beef steak sandwich is, this is my favorite course over all, i swear! for me this course deserves 8 out of 10.

The second main-course is, big breakfast. When they say big, it is literally big. So for you guys who’s been looking for a place to get your breakfast, you might wanna try @nocturnalpik , just look at how complete this course is,

Eggs yes! Bacon yes! Potatoes yes! Toast yes! Sausages yes! Mushrooms yes! Tomatoes yes! What else do you want for breakfast? Big breakfast is crazily complete for breakfast, and i love them all. They’re not too salty, taste just right and i believe it will energize you in the morning 😍

Next to the third course, Cheesy Spinach French Toast! Also breakfast menu you can try. I think this will fit for you guys who likes spinach and cheese, because they’re full of them! <<<<<
s, it melts in every bite i took yesterday ❤️ literally, they melt in my mouth, not to mention half cooked sunny side up! I loved it to every bits!

Look how healthy this one to start your day.

Lets move on to the next one, believe me i eat more than i should already :") and i thought i'm on a diet. But just can't stop at this gorgeous salmon.

It tasted sooooo goood, love how crunchy the salmon skin is, and how soft the salmon is, it also so different with any other salmon steak i ever tasted, with thin noodle and tempeh along, it tasted so good, and its not boring like usual, and believe me if you’re hungry, you’ll feel full in just a sec.

The last one finally! And i’ve never see this anywhere else, but i fall for it, literally! I can’t find it anywhere else and i think this is so so so unique, just look at how @nocturnalPIK serves it!

So, this is black coffee with no sugar combine with sugar floss on top of it. so i think this is a very nice relationship between sweet and bitter relationship lol, but it fits perfectly.

I literally liked it ❤️

Bottom line is, we had so much fun yesterday at @nocturnalPIK and we definitely gonna come back again, it was a great pleasure being invited there to try such a delicious meals.

Believe me we eat more than we can take! It was so much and so delicious we can’t manage to say no to all meals ❤️❤️

Biggest thank to @NocturnalPIK once again to let us try your new meals, it such an honor for us ❤️

Location :


Ruko Crown Golf, blok B57-58 bukit golf mediterania, jalan marina raya pantai indah kapuk, Jakarta Utara.


Gwyneth’s full month

Time flies! Tau-tau Gwyneth udah sebulan aja. I know she doesn’t know anything, but i just don’t wanna miss a thing, cause i’m sure little things matter.

Why do i make this blog? So many of my friends been asking why do i bother to make such a celebration? Well, i just wanna look back someday and think “i’m glad i did it”

Ok, pertama-tama kita bahas temanya, its UNICORN! Why? Unicorn usually stands for “MAGICAL” and yes, i called it magic every time i see Gwyneth ❤️ Beguiling in its beauty, a magical being ~ master of “transformation” benevolently gives us the power to “believe” anything is possible 🙏🏻

the magic real, everything looks so pretty ❤️ thankyou @nerisdecor for making such an effort that you need to do everything yourself, and i’m so sorry that i asked too much and complain too much :”)

But we love the result so much!

For me, makeup is essential. I do makeup like everyday, and how do i look is important for me, especially in Occassion like this, it is so important for me,

So i choose @ivmakeup_ to do my makeup, i’ve always fall in love over her hands, how she can make everyone prettier 😍 and indeed, look how she made me prettiest that day.

I love how flawless @ivmakeup_ made me, and believe me i still look awesome till night, even after i took a nap before i attend my friend’s birthday party, i still look amazing.

Believe me this is the same day, and from the daylight till night and even after a short nap i still look amazing thanks to @ivmakeup_

Our first proper family picture together, first of all if you noticed, kita semua pake baju yg temanya sama. Ungu-salem gitu warnanya, thanks to @flo_rtw dia bener-bener bantu aku untuk siapin outfitnya, dari bahan, ukuran, sampe segalanya dia yg siapin. Sampe repot-repot dateng kerumah untuk fitting, and she went to buy the material herself, just to make sure we have the same theme (soalnya buat evan, susah banget cari kemeja yg bahannya warna begini).

To be honest, i’ve never tried a kaftan before, never thought it’ll be this good, i love it! It hides all my fats and it makes me look taller than i actually am.

And i just love how @flo_rtw made my hubby’s shirt and still looking manly 🤗

Even for my baby, she made it shooo cute!

Awalnya kegedean, But she made it, everything is done eventually, thanks to her ❤️

My sleeping princess




Okay, let me tell you whats on the table dessert ❤️

Are these endorsements? Yes, at first they endorsed me, but then i tried them and fall in love with them, and i reorder them all over again. (I had to try them first before put it on the table and let everyone eat them right?)

So, lets start with the birthday cake, as the theme, i chose unicorn ❤️ finally fall in love with @lejardincakery, you can take a look yourself, all they’ve been made are so professional, all are so pretty, just look at mine

I’m sure my baby would’ve loved it too! She just too small to understand lol,

So, about the taste, i loved it! I’ve never been a fan of cake, i thought most of cakes are too sweet, but @lejardincakery made it extremely smooth, fluffy, not that sweet and just right for everyone. To be honest banyak banget yg nanya beli dimana because its too good ❤️


And how about any other cakes? Yes i will tell you one by one,

First one is kue bolu, yes i love kue bolu especially the cheese one, so here we go i’m reviewing kue bolu from @babyletsroll can’t tell you how fluffy this cake is, omg its so soft and fluffy literally, lembut banget and with all variants, you’ll never get bored of this cake!

This is my fav, cheese bolu cake, i even take it for my self, i just hate to share my favorite one 😅 #sorrynotsorry

The good thing is, @babyletsroll comes in many flavors, peanut, greentea, cheese and choco you can choose your favorite one too 😇


Look how pretty @babyletsroll in 4 colours 😍😍 but again i’m still the #cheesyteam

Good things about @babyletsroll is, they’re freshly made without preservative so healthy and yet still so soft and smooth 🤗 fall in love with all flavors when it goes to my mouth. Now i know why i have difficulties to lose weight. #sigh.

Next, my hubby’s favorite gotta be at dessert table too! He loves this kue lapis from @olivialeecakery he can eat it all day long without sharing anything for me.

Regarding to my baby one month celebration, i am sure guests wanted to try them too right? Good thing is olivialeecakery cut them in pieces and get them ready with such a cutey outfit 😍

Look at how cute they’re 🤗


@olivialeecakery can make kue lapis and kue lapis surabaya and they’re extremely smooth and yummy, even one of my best friend also asked me where did i buy them.


Next, who doesnt like nastar right? So i bought 100pcs of nastars from @coco_b_cookie i just thought people wouldve take it everytime they see nastars. Indeed that happened too.

This is how @nerisdecor put them all together, and believe me its all gone when the party hasn’t started yet.

Good thing i saved one box all for myself, can’t managed to lose the opportunity to eat such a goodie 🤗

You have to know, it melts in your mouth, and believe me @coco_b_cookie use the best ingredients, with less flour and more to the pineapples, look how perfectly round and shiny they’re.


I think the most important thing in celebration is the hamper, i believe everyone is expecting it when they come. Well, thats what makes it important, at least for me. 50 hampers for all guests yay!

I dropped my heart at @whiteribbonhampers_id just love how she managed to do everything so detailed! Every-single-thing, no doubt about it. She made sure i chose everything rightly, text me so many times to make sure i didn’t choose anything wrong, she even redesign everything when i disagree about her design, hahaha i’m sorry @whiteribbonhampers_id for being such a pain in the ass 😢

Look at how detailed she makes everything,




Full name, parents name, grandparents too are all written, and she made it from wood! How rare it is right?! She even made great proverbs for my baby girl all written and attached in the hampers ❤️

If you guys noticed, i chose hand soap, body wash, comb for the hampers, nothing particular, i just thought glasses or towel are overrated and too much people been using it, i just want something different (no offense), and @whiteribbonhampers_id gave me these idea!

Oh! And fyi, @whiteribbomhampers_id is located in SURABAYA, and i’m in jakarta, she help me to send it herself! It breaks my heart too, and she personally send it to my door, and help me rearranged everything. I dont know about you guys, but that kind of service is WOW for me!

Moving on to the catering, i dont know if you guys noticed, i always use the same vendor for catering. @mienscatering always. Good thing is, people never complain, they liked it too.

You also can choose your own selections of foods, add on and everything, jadi bisa sesuai selera sendiri. And if you’re a fan of spicy food, you’re in the same page here with me.

Look how tempting they’re 😅😅

So, those are all vendors that i use to celebrate my baby’s one month celebration😇

I’m a very picky person, so when i say its good, its usually good. I personally try everything myself first before actually choose them too.

And thankyou so much for those who came, oh well! I have to tell you guys who do i choose to be God Father and God Mother for my baby girl.

Its Fadli Suwondo & Norika 😇

I chose them, they’re always there for me (literally) through good and bad, never judge me and understand my pain.

Last thing we did, we cut Gwen’s hair!

I thought it will be bad when she’s bald, but turns out dia jadi jauh lebih cute! None of us dare to cut her hair ourselves, jadi kita cari pertolongan tukang barber tempat langganannya evan, Good thing he is available!

Thankyou for my love who came all the way too ❤️

Bottom line, we’re happy and proud parents, thankyou for being part of our celebration, we appreciate it so very much, and for those who’s kind enough to read my silly blog, i hope it will help you guys incase you’re arranging party or something, thankyou so much 😍

Makeup : @ivmakeup_

1set family outfit @flo_rtw

Decor : @nerisdecor

Unicorn cake : @lejardincakery

Kue lapis : @olivialeecakery

Nastar : @coco_b_cookie

Kue bolu : @babyletsroll

Picture taken by : @mellocstudio

Hampers : @whiteribbonhampers_id

Catering : @mienscatering